Welcome to the WesternJustice blog!

A young British student, this blog is simply my forum for presenting my latest thoughts and ponderings on major world issues of our time. Please comment on any articles that you have a viewpoint on and add to the WesternJustice debate!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011


As the arsenal of the west is unleashed against the disillusioned dictator that is "Colonel Gadaffi", one cannot help but wonder whether our supposedly good military intervention is in fact a lethal mistake. Bombing raids and other clear acts of military aggression by the usual, busy body culprits of the USA and the UK are clearly not satisfactory.
 Where was the diplomacy? Why are they so quick to effectively wage war against the oppressive regime of Libya, and not Bahrain, Iran, or Yemen? Why did US forces maim an innocent civilian youth who had come to assist the downed pilot of a crashed military jet?
 The response to the Libyan crisis was sluggish, to say the least, but now it appears ridiculous and most clearly heavy handed. I am no defendant of the tyrant that is the current Libyan leader, but neither am I supportive of bombing raids under the veil of "the establishment of a no fly zone".
However, two things are certain through all of this violent debacle;
1.Civil war is brewing in Libya
2. The people who will suffer most are the ones that the West tried to "help"......

Sunday, 13 February 2011

JUSTICE! Totalitarian Mubarak Deposed By Oppressed People

Following weeks of anti-government protest on the streets of Egypt, long reigning President Mubarak has finally bowed to the pressure of a justice hungry population. In recent months, political instability has rocked the region as oppressed and often hungry populations sought to depose the corrupt regimes that had tormented and mistreated them for so long.

As we have seen in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and more recently Algeria, the people of the planet are now standing up and actively campaigning for the fundamental rights of man. We have also regrettably seen the almost inevitable hand of violence from the threatened regime. As westerners, it is important that we stand in solidarity with our justice hunting brothers and sisters living in lands where oppression is rife and hunger is real.

 In the wake of the handover of power to the Egyptian military, it is our duty to ensure peaceful stability and political freedoms by actively monitoring the situation. We must not seek to be advantageous in the light of 'revolution', but instead offer our support to the peaceful transition of democratic values for the country. A long and potentially hostile path lies between now and a free and fully democratic Egypt, but the wheels of prosperous change are well and truly in motion!

Friday, 21 January 2011

Politically Motivated Predators Close In on Vulnerable People Of Haiti

One year on from the terrifying earthquake that saw Haiti reduced to rubble, the predators are finally coming to circle the confused and apparently abandoned people of this impoverished nation. Seeking to satisfy their own political agenda, these former 'leaders' wait to cause maximum damage to the already crippled and indeed confused democratic scene. Amidst political uncertainty, people live on day by day trying to survive.

A Years Progress?

The last thing that the long suffering Haitians need is a former dictator landing at the airport with the arrogance of a cocky school boy, whilst much of the population live in squalid temporary camps. This sort of extravagant and self-centered economic and politically motivated nonsense seeks only to distract from the underlying issue, HAITIANS REMAIN ABANDONED AS THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY TURNS ITS BACK ON THE PEOPLE IT VOWED TO HELP! Where are the signs of progress, one year on?

12 months on people are still missing and disease is rife. Throw in a troublesome former dictator and the 'impending' arrival of a former president ( Jean-Bertrand Aristide) and you get a stark image of what the near future may potentially hold. It is the job of the international community to ensure that the aid it promised to Haiti is delivered, and it is also the job of this community to prevent any derailing of attempts to ensure a swift and peaceful installation of a democratic authority for the nation.

Just because it isn't on the news anymore, doesn't mean that the problem has gone away. A cholera crisis has only added to the woes of the nation where bodies are still being pulled from the rubble.